Saturday, August 7, 2010


alternate universe of the physical self
manifestations, deviations
coming under scrutiny
- screwing up with motherfuckers
who know nothing but deceiving
their own selves

alternate outlook on the material world
gestation, and rebirth
going under agility
- fragile beings put to test
to finally reveal the real strength
which otherwise would wither

seeking salvation in substantial abuse
for all the hurt thus far consumed
unfathomable deeds from the eons of childhood
hidden under the mercy of lacerations
a masterpiece in the red of blood
and the black of pain

but to remain the prisoner of own mind
is never a commitment
for personal gratification
forget dedication to the I
damn the surrendrance to the shell
transit for trancension towards the universal

and the divine inescapable, inexplicable
in designing the understanding,
harnessing the beast of a human
over dignified submission
away from indoctrination
removed from everything political

freedom is not when one cease to be
upon the sea of blissful ignorance
in which awareness drowned
swallowed by waves of industrialization
feeding the production line –
a nation of alienation

still the self is the most formidable structure
to master, to imprison, to enslave
despite the principle it knows
the basic primary colours of life
spinning to project
white light in the end…

looking up into the night skies
lying flat on the back in the grass
watching shooting stars, and make a wish
feeling the breath in the ribcage,
feeling the soul inside…
realizing just how lucky it is to be alive.

(8th of August 2010, Monochrome Duality)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Marhaenis, Proletariat dan Politikus

gnawed at the consciousness of the obeyance
age-old, almost supernatural in its legend
but still, like the betel leaf
the feelings return do to the place
brazened like the Archipelago
the past glories are all and gone
with the last of the seafarer's sails
that decayed in these waters of thoughts

just a pebble on the beach,
stranded ashore and pulled to drown again

the currents are vicious
corroding at dissidency and loyalty alike
the age-old spirits of the sea are howling
at what we have become
doing nothing but throwing ourselves
off the cliffs of sanity the seven princesses twirl
in their healing circle our pained souls embraced

ever struggling to rise through the surge
mainstream and sidelines fading into one impossibility

to kneel before the throne of Reason
while the heart is tied to the Divine
we worked ourselves to death unsung
climbing the stairs made of human bodies
and trodden realities

orang laut pulang ke laut
orang darat pulang ke darat

endless sacrifice - democracy demands offering
beyond symbols and romanticism
in a land where the blood of birth is shed
as tears to water a dream of the family
- economy-sized and politically corrected

favourable winds do keep the veil so frail
could we face the day if it redirects?
our supremacy, minor diplomacy
thrice negotiated and nullified
by fascilitator teachers!

(22nd of March 2010)